Agricultural Insurance is often in a package policy format however it can very much be tailored to the individual business or policy holder needs when required. It offers protection against all aspects of farming, from hobby farmers to estates or from 1 to 10,000+ acres, cover can be made to suit the needs of any business.

Policy cover includes property, machinery and equipment, business money, livestock, goods in transit and revenue protection to name just a few. Public and Employers Liability is included too. However your cover will depend on your circumstances and choices.

A wide range of farming industries including arable, livestock, dairy, pig, poultry, all can have a policy tailored to suit them and their specific trade.

Protecting yourself against Rural Crime

There are lots of insurable risks associated with farming and agricultural insurance will protect the farmer on most areas, in particular protection against rural crime is an absolute.

Whilst the insurance industry saw a drop in rural crime rates in 2021 there has unfortunately been a significant rise in 2022 and we are concerned this may increase further. The cost-of-living crisis has had a dramatic impact on the cost of running a farm or small holding with materials, equipment and stock prices soaring, so this concerns us as to what could happen to crime rates also in the months ahead.

Insurance will of course be there to assist but it is also important that farmers are doing all they can to protect their interest and of course protect their insurance policy too. We would always recommend periodic risk assessments and reviews on your security, however a few basic and simple habits to get into that would help, as follows;

  • Install &/ Lock the main gate and always check the perimeter of your land is secure
  • Remove keys from vehicles whenever you leave them. Store keys in a safe and secure place
  • Keep farm machinery and vehicles in a lockable building
  • Lock away high-value items, for example machinery and tools
  • Keep a secure note of serial and chassis numbers to any items you own
  • Report suspicious activity to the police.

Implementing all these rules will also help protect other areas of your business against insurable risks such as threats to livestock and weather damage too.

Fuel Theft

Farms and rural establishments are also targeted by thieves for fuel. The escalating cost of fuel means that the large full tanks are worth thousands. Steps you can take to prevent fuel theft also as follows;

  • Store fuel tanks in secure buildings and keep them locked and where possible alarmed
  • Install an anti-siphon device on vehicles.
  • Install an alarm on fuel tanks that’s sounds if fuel level drop below a certain point
  • Install CCTV that looks over fuel tanks
  • Track your fuel usage so that you can easily notice and record missing fuel

To help you choose the right covers for you and your farm business, please contact us to discuss on 01442 242400.

Talk to one of our friendly consultants to assess your needs and find a bespoke insurance solution to suit your business.

01442 24 24 00

7 High St, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP1 3AA